Tuesday, April 28, 2015

My Pokémon Have A Virus!!!

Yup, you read that correctly. My Pokémon are infected. What does that mean? What can be done? What will happen to my Pokémon?

Well, Pokérus is actually a very good thing. It is a virus that is contracted when you fight or capture a wild Pokémon. Like the video we just watched says, it is very rare, and it will increase your Pokémon's rate of growth. (AKA stats will go up higher).

So how did I learn about Pokérus? Well, after restarting one of my games I actually started to hunt and catch Pokémon in order to complete my Pokédex. It was at site that I battled and caught a wild Grimer. I didn't realize it at the time, but I had an extra spot in my party available because I had dropped a Pokémon off at the Day Care.

It wasn't until I visited a Pokémon Center that I even realized that my Pokémon were infected. I had never heard of such a thing, and immediately I thought something was wrong with my game. Later Professor Elm called:

I immediately googled Pokérus, because I knew Professor Elm didn't know what he was talking about...I mean, he didn't even know how to hatch a dang egg, so I googled it and found out that it was a legit thing. I also found out that I can only get it by battling or capturing a wild Pokémon, and that they need to be in your party to infect others...which is what happened. That little Grimer ended up infecting my entire party. I then read that a Pokémon with Pokérus can retain the virus if stored in the PC.

Yes. I had a messiah on my hands, the bringer of the virus. So I put that little drop of gunk in the PC and only bring him out when I need him to infect more Pokémon with Pokérus. That's basically my story. But yeah, Pokérus so far has been awesome. I have spread the virus to over 30 Pokémon so far, and all are in training. The best part, after they are cured of Pokérus they still continue to get double the Effort Values, aka their stats get better by double, making them stronger by the time they reach Lv. 100 compared to a Pokémon who did not have the Pokérus virus. So in other words, it's pretty much a big deal.

 A Pokémon infected with Pokérus can be identifired by looking under the STATUS part of a Pokémon's profile. This Togepi was infected with Pokérus by my Grimer by just staying in the same party. (Look Professor Elm...it hatched...) :/ *SPOILER ALERT for those of you who still haven't hatched that stupid egg yet*

I will make Pokérus infected Pokémon available as Prize Pokémon based on what grade group behaves the best. First one up for grabs is a slobber knocker: A Shiny Pokérus Marill that knows nothing but Egg and Move Tutor Moves!!! (I don't know why I'm even giving that away...)

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